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Warning Signs
Warning Signs was released in January 2015. But the story behind the signs began years before Shiranne and Meytal began singing as Not Twins, on a summer bike tour of Paris. With the guide's well-placed joke about a commonplace pedestrian zone sign ("No Walking Your Giant!", see image below), the sisters began seeking out unique interpretations for these otherwise ordinary warning signs. They would find that this perspective would also shape their music and songwriting. Warning signs, it would appear, are everywhere...
Warning Signs Available Now
No Walking Your GiantParis, France |
No Signs AllowedQuébec City, Canada |
Warning: Kidnappers AheadBerlin, Germany |
No Walking on WaterGlendalough, Ireland |
No Dance WalkingMelbourne, Australia |
No Vehicle Farting AllowedQuébec City, Canada |
No Stomping Out FiresCliffs of Moher, Ireland |
No Throwing Rocks at MonkeysRio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Modern Lifestyle Not PermittedBerlin, Germany |
Beware! Cows Eating CarsAtherton Tablelands, Australia |
No Bowling on TrainBerlin, Germany |
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